Monday 28th November
Last Friday we had house day which is kind of like athletics, everybody came in there house colors and some students brought there culture flag to school. In the morning we started of with the athletics which was like high jump, long jump, shot put, relays and discus. It was so fun, after that we had morning tea and then we did the sprints, we did the sprints in our age groups. After we finished the sprints we went back to class and had lunch, some people pre ordered the chop suey, sausage sizzles, ice blocks and drinks that were on sale. Then after there orders got taken to them a few students brought some of the left over food that they were still selling. As soon as we finished lunch everybody met up on the feild for tug of war, first it was the parents vs teachers and the parents won. Then it was the house color unfortunately my house color ( taurere ) lost but overall it was a really good day. My favorite part of the day was tug of war and sprints because it was very enjoyable.